Sunday, 3 February 2013

Day 4

Ok it's Day 4.

So I did the hardest thing in the world yesterday (little extreme I know). But it was. I bagged up all my old jars of sauces, pasta and yes it went too a girls best friend Chocolate.  I took them down to my local food bank so I didn't waste them. But it has made it all the more real that it is soo hard to eat on this diet and I can see why people don't manage to do it. But after my soul killing experience I have done it and I ate Endo friendly meals yesterday. I had fruit for breakfast (that's getting old fast but I'm gonna address that later), tomato soup for lunch and Chicken and Spicy Chips for dinner, all of this was homemade I will add. To be honest it wasn't terrible it was a very time consuming process but the food wasn't terrible I seasoned the Chicken and chips and soup so it was very tasty. I didn't like rye bread and that means I'm going to struggle for a loaf but I'm going to do some research and  I just wish I could go to Sainsburys and buy jars or meals. But i have an existing idea about that which I will share soon.

So my day today it going to be preparing some foods for the week ahead. I'm going to make my Thai Red curry tonight and cauliflower soup for lunch but I'm going to make enough for two servings and see how it goes. My aim is going to be to cook on a Sunday all the sauces etc that I will need for the following week so I can come home from work and get on with cooking the meal. So wish me luck and I'll tell you how they taste later today. If you fancy trying any of the meals I do just let me know and I will email you over the recipe.

Signing off for now.

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